Discover Your Divine Purpose for A Satisfying Life

Discover Your Divine Purpose for A Satisfying Life

When we discover our primary divine purpose is simply to love God and enjoy His love—we also begin to discover a more satisfying and purposeful life.

My husband and I drove for miles and miles in the desert toward Grand Canyon National Park.

Before we left home, we talked to friends who had visited the park.

They showed us pictures and spoke on and on about the spectacular sight.

But in the end, they could not express the experience to their satisfaction. All they could say was, “You have to experience it for yourself.”

So, even though we had heard other people’s stories and seen their pictures, we had no idea what we were about to encounter personally.

We drove around the top rim of the canyon to the first stop.

The view was not immediately visible, so we parked at the viewpoint and walked around the display map.

As we came around the corner, we gasped in awe.

Other tourists also gasped at the site, in so much as we heard a great many “ooohs and aaaaahhs!”

Layers of God’s creation unfolded before us. The air was electric. We were all stunned by the majesty and glory.

I could not capture the immense beauty with my camera.

Our friends were right, we had to experience this for ourselves.

Dear reader, I want to help you learn how to encounter and experience God’s presence for yourself to a greater degree than ever before!

God created us to experience His presence in divine fellowship! Your divine purpose is to know God and enjoy HIm!

Our Primary and Secondary Purpose

Primary Purpose

Most of us search our entire lives to understand the purpose for which we were born.

We innately long to know that our life matters to the world around us.

And this is not a new phenomenon. Humanity has searched for significance since sin destroyed the ideals for human life in the Garden of Eden.

Bible scholars and theologians have studied the Bible for centuries studying this very thing.

However, one such study summarized their findings in a set of questions and answers in what is called, The Westminster Shorter Catechism.

The very first question asks, “What is the chief end of man?” The answer states, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever.”[1]

Think about that for a moment. God is God.

He was not required to create you, but He chose to create you to enjoy friendship with you.

God loves and values you!

What He desires most is for you to choose to love Him in return.

“For the Lord takes pleasure in His people.”

Psalm 149

Our Divine Purpose in the Bible

  • The prophet Isaiah writes that we were made by God’s love and for God’s glory (Isa 43:7).
  • Moses taught the Israelites, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might” (Deut 6:5).
  • In Matthew 22:37, Jesus calls this the greatest commandment of all.
  • To choose to love God is to enjoy Him because in His presence is fullness and joy.[2]

So, our primary purpose on earth is this special love relationship with Him—to love Him completely and enjoy His presence of love.

  • In God’s presence, He heals our deepest hurts and fears.
  • In God’s love, we experience the fullness of life we were intended to have in the Garden of Eden.
  • In this love relationship of knowing God intimately and fully is all we need for life.

Dear reader, when I learned this concept, my life became a lot simpler, more peaceful, and satisfying.

I stopped striving to live by religious rules and relaxed.

I began to learn about my Lord and enjoy His presence.

Our Secondary Divine Purpose

As we grow in our primary purpose—to love Him and enjoy His love—we begin to live out our secondary purpose.

Our secondary purpose as a beloved royal child of God is to function as God’s family representative on earth.

We are called to this deeply personal relationship with Him to carry out His desires on earth through our jobs, callings, and assignments.

When we invite Him to work in us and through our lives, He is glorified.

God’s glory is manifested on earth when people see Him in the way we live and the things we do.

There are many people who will never know God, except if they see Him through us.

When they see the glorious love relationship between us and our Creator God, they are drawn closer to a relationship with Him.

The Big Problem We Encounter

However, when we attempt to fulfill our main purpose in life—to love God and enjoy His love—we encounter a major obstacle.

To enjoy God we must know God.

Even when we think we “know” God, we can only glimpse at his nature through our limited human perceptions.

We may intellectually know some things about God from the Bible,

but most of us have not learned to consistently experience His love often enough to say we enjoy Him.

The overarching purpose of this new series of articles is to help you discover a more intimate relationship with your Creator. And we will talk more about this in the next articles.

I challenge you to practice the following exercises and prayers with expectation and excitement.

You will discover more of the kingdom of heaven in your life here and now. For His presence is something you have to experience for yourself!

“He rewards those who diligently seek him.” Hebrews 11:6

Cultivating God’s Presence: Reflecting on Divine Purpose

Action Steps:

  • Have you ever considered your primary divne purpose in terms of enjoying God? Does this idea resonate with you in some way?
  • How does it feel when you consider such a proposition?
  • Ponder this thought for a few days: All I have to do is to love Him and enjoy His love! I am a royal, beloved son/daughter of God.

Friend, I pray God will surround you with His immense loving embrace today! I pray your spirit is sparked with excitement to know more about your Beloved! I pray for grace and peace to flow into all areas of your life this week!

Abundant Blessings!

Articles in This Series:

  1. Discover Your Purpose For a Satisfying Life (This article.)
  2. What is God’s Purpose for My Life (with questions to help you determine your next steps)
  3. Three Secrets to Knowing God
  4. What Does God’s Presence Feel Like? How to Practice God’s Presence?

Also See: The Power and Purpose of a Woman in the Bible

[1] Westminster Shorter Catechism,…. (30 Jun 2021) Also, Isa 43:7; Ps 16:11; John 17:22, 24; Matt 5:16; Deut 6:5; Mat 22:37; 1 Pet 2:9.

[2] Ps 16:11.

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