life of blind faith

The Adventurous Life of Blind Faith

Be inspired to live the life of blind faith in God’s path even if you feel unsure, out of place, or discontent!

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

We swerved around a fallen pine tree as we explored the narrow creek.

We were hesitant about hitting bottom, or worse, getting stuck.

The depth finder registered 10 feet. We were beginning to realize a water depth of ten feet was far more common here than the 90-foot rivers we normally saw in Washington state.

We were unfamiliar with these Florida creeks and bayous, but we followed the creek curve after curve into the dense backwoods waterway.

The sun was beginning to fade, so we trusted our path would soon open into the larger and more familiar Choctawhatchee Bay nearby.

I thought about the first explorers to discover this land. We had a map and GPS.

They had nothing but blind faith that the river would lead them somewhere.

Abraham didn’t have a map of where he was going either, yet by faith he went out. He knew if he trusted the God of the path, he would get to his destination.[1]  He lived the life of blind faith!

live a life of Blind Faith

Abraham’s Path of Blind Faith

Abraham left all that was familiar to follow God’s voice, not knowing where he was going.

He traversed a land unfamiliar and unknown. Since He had experienced God’s voice and presence, nothing else would satisfy.

Learn to Hear God’s Voice More Clearly

He left family and country in search of the city whose architect was God.

He looked for the idyllic place, only known at that time as a place like the Garden in Eden—a place where heaven comes to earth and the kingdom of God is manifest.

He was looking for the spiritual place where God reigned supreme, where God’s will would be done on earth as in heaven.

He sought the eternal and spiritual place of the King’s presence.

Abraham’s search is an example of our search today.

This search is the journey of blind faith God calls each of us to travel.

“For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come” (Heb 13:14).

In Search of the Fountain of Life

As legend has it, Juan Ponce de León led the first Spanish expedition to Florida in 1513 in search of the “fountain of youth.”

In blind faith, he traversed sea and hardship to search for immortality. He searched for what his soul most likely longed for—the river of life, the fountain of living water—Christ Himself.

Our Path to The River of Life

Jesus Christ has become for us the bridge from earth to heaven and has provided better promises for us in this age. He is the true fountain of Living Life Water!

Even with our broken and fragile human vessels, we are partakers of His divine nature because we have the promised Holy Spirit living inside.[2]

From the beginning, we were created in an ideal home where God’s love pervaded all things, and His living water ran freely.

We were created for a life in God’s presence.

We were created to live in the atmosphere of God’s presence on earth, which began in Eden and is now available to all believers in their hearts through His Spirit.[3]

If you’ve never understood why you feel out of place or discontented in our broken and sin-filled earth, this is why.

As children of the King and as part of His royal priesthood, we have renewed access to all the treasures of heaven because Jesus has inaugurated a new kingdom on earth, here and now.

So, we not only look forward to the new city at the end of the age, but we are to grow up into our calling as kings/queens and priests in God’s spiritual kingdom here on earth, right now!

We continue to travel this established path of blind faith with the Bible as our road map.

So even though it may sometimes seem like you are following a road that goes nowhere, you are going somewhere, friends.

Don’t Give Up on the Path of Blind Faith

Abraham did not fully find this city during his lifetime on earth, even though he saw it from a distance.

However, just a glimpse of the heavenly kingdom was enough to give him the passion and strength to keep going.

Many times, life has a way of dumping all kinds of garbage on us that steals our access to the peaceful waters of life in God’s kingdom.

Take some quiet worshipful time to give all the pressures and garbage to Jesus in exchange for His refreshing living water.

Your Creator Father wants you to know that He has led you through all the twists and turns in your path.

He has led you around the fallen trees and led you through the overwhelmingly swift currents.

He has been with you through it all and will continue to lead you to your destination!

God Watches Over You Like the Eagles

While we were on our boating adventure, we saw two bald eagles sitting in a tall tree with a huge nest in between them. (I will bring my big camera next time.)

God tells us that He, Himself, carried the Children of Israel on eagle’s wings and brought them to Himself, in Exodus 19:4.

Dear friend, He will watch over your journey and carry you through all kinds of circumstances to bring you to Himself, as well.

The Life of Blind Faith Has Deeper Paths to Find

While we remain in these earthly bodies and on this corrupted earth, we can continue to seek the heavenly city which is up ahead,

and also the spiritual place in our hearts right now.

We can recognize this heavenly realm by the peace, love, and joy in our hearts.

There are depths the Holy Spirit wants to take us into His love and His Word.

  • He loves to reveal secret strategies to help us in difficult situations.
  • Our Lord desires for us to ask Him what He thinks about our day.
  • He wants us to feel His presence all throughout our day, no matter the circumstances.
  • We can seek the place in our own lives where we see as Jesus sees and we do as Jesus does.
  • We can understand with the mind of Christ and act in union with His Spirit.
  • Then, rather than rely on our own understanding, we can seek the wisdom of the Ancient of Days for He has promised to direct our path.

We can live in as much of this heavenly place as our surrendered hearts will allow.

Your struggles, dear friend, are not in vain.

Your struggles develop your faith, which is more precious than gold–even when you have to traverse unfamiliar paths in unfamiliar places.

Curve after curve, God will perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.[4]

As you trust Him more and more on this path of blind faith, you will grow stronger and stronger and closer and closer to the eternal city of God.

When you trust the God of the path, he will get you to your destination.

How lovely are Your dwelling places, O Lord of hosts!Psalm 84

Thanks for reading dear friends. I pray you are encouraged in your faith journey.

Please feel free to contact me with any comments, questions, or prayer requests!


Cynthia Johnson, Deeper Walk Ministries

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[1] Gen 12:1-4; Hebrews 11:8-16.

[2] Heb 8:6; 2 Peter 1:4.

[3] John 7:37-39.

[4] 1 Peter 5:10.

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