Knowing God: The Biblical Meaning of Knowing God

The 3 Secrets to Knowing God Intimately

Discover the three secrets to knowing God intimately that helps us live a more satisfying life, and it is not as complicated as it might seem! This is part of my series on Knowing God’s Presence Intimately.

1. There are Multiple Layers and Levels to Knowing God

My husband and I drove around the rim of the Grand Canyon as tourists.

So, in polite conversation, we could say we know the Grand Canyon.

In fact, we do know the Grand Canyon’s spectacular wonder as a tourist in a general way, because we observed the lookout points along the rim.

And yet, we could have taken the opportunity to learn more about the Grand Canyon at deeper levels.

We could have taken more time at the informational displays and books.

We could have gone on a guided tour by a park ranger and learned about the park’s ecology, geology, and history.

As spectacular as the Grand Canyon is for the drive-by tourist, we could have explored the canyon in more depth by taking a helicopter, plane, horse, mule, or raft to the bottom of the canyon.

We could have hiked down into the canyon and camped in its depths.

If we were so inclined, we could study the Grand Canyon in very specialized ways as scientists do.

Geologists study layered rock formations and stream erosion.

Botanists study the multiple plant and tree species in its desert regions and rivers.

Meteorologists study how the Grand Canyon itself influences the weather.

And then the local residents, because they live every day in the area, come to know the moods and seasons of the canyon in a different kind of way than the specialists.

Each of these people knows the majesty of the Grand Canyon in a unique way.

If we use my story as an analogy, we can peek over the rim into the deep canyon of who God is to explore all the ways we can know Him.

We can drive by the church on a Sunday morning, and we can also learn to dwell in His presence every day.

There are various levels to knowing God, but it is up to us how far we want to explore.

2. Knowing God Is Not as Complicated as It Might Seem

So, what does it really mean to “know” God? Knowing God is not as complicated as it might sound! We have the capacity to know Him simply because we are His children, made in His image.

In the English language, when we say we “know” something, it generally means we have some level of intellectual information about a subject.   

However, in the Biblical Hebrew context, to “know” also means to apprehend and experience. It is the exercise and fulfillment of information.

It means to perceive (as revelation), to learn in various ways, to understand, to will, to perform, and to experience. [1]

The Biblical Hebrew definition of “know” means more than simply a good idea or a concept.

Knowing a thing means it becomes incorporated into one’s heart and lifestyle.

Thus, in the Bible knowing God is not simply intellectual knowledge, but also heart knowledge and is a progression of knowing more that is lived out as a lifestyle.

The Biblical Meaning of Knowing God

The most common word translated “know” or “knowledge” in the Old Testament comes from the root word, yada.

Yada appears almost 950 times in the Hebrew Bible and has a broader meaning than the English word “know.”

Knowing God in the Bible many times means intimacy in relationships, as in Genesis 4:1 where, “Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived.”

Adam and Eve knew God as a true reality in their hearts.

At the thought of their Father, they had a sense of His presence; they perceived Him with their senses and in their heart.

They experienced His provisions of abundance and love. Adam and Eve experienced Him in the most intimate relationship, Spirit to spirit, Creator to creation. He was the Center of their existence.

3. There are General and Specific Ways to Know God

Just as there are different levels of knowing the Grand Canyon, there are also different levels of knowing our Creator God. We can come to know God by general revelation and special revelation.

Knowing God By General Revelation

Many people experience a general revelation of God without realizing it. For example, they are momentarily caught up in His peace and beauty through nature (Rom 1:20).

This general revelation of God can also be a stepping stone to a deeper awareness and knowledge of God. God made all of creation to lead us to Himself!

The problem is that the general knowledge of God is not enough to bring humanity into an intimate relationship with God.

The fall in Eden did not destroy God’s general revelation. However, sin keeps the unbeliever from coming to a more intimate knowledge of God.

Isaiah 1:3 illustrates God’s frustration with His people’s lack of knowledge of Him, “An ox knows its owner, and a donkey its master’s manger, but Israel does not know, My people do not understand.”

Our sinful nature distorts general revelation and tends to create our own idea of God—which is idolatry.

Knowing God by Special Revelation

However, God never leaves us without a way to know Him personally. So, into the vacuum of human sinfulness, God sends special revelation.

God revealed Himself to the patriarchs and prophets in the Old Testament and then through His Son!

We can see His character and attributes through the written Word and how He deals with us today.

He continues to reveal Himself to seeking individuals in a variety of ways:

  • through His Word illuminated to our hearts
  • the still small voice in prayer
  • through dreams (Acts 16:9)
  • visions (Heb 12:2; 1 Cor 12:10)
  • gifts
  • circumstances (Jonah)
  • flowing revelation to our hearts (1 Cor 2:9-10).

We are going to explore knowing God by experience more in another article. And we will also explore God’s presence in a deep and personal way throughout this series.

I will present step-by-step exercises that help lead you into a deep and abiding experience with your Lord.

You will learn how to experience His presence and abide in Him anytime you like.

These exercises will take your relationship with our Creator Father, Savior, and Friend to a deeper and more satisfying level.

You will come to know God more intimately than ever before!

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Knowing God’s Presence Series

  1. The 3 Secrets to Knowing God (This Article)
  2. The Surprising Secret to an Intimate Friendship With God
  3. Why You Might Not Be Aware of God’s Presence
  4. Why Can’t I Feel God’s Presence? 7 Tips

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[1] G. Kittel, G. W. Bromiley, and G. Friedrich, ed., “γινώσκω, γνῶσις, ἐπιγινώσκω, ἐπίγνωσις,” Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1964),1:698. Carl Schultz, “know, knowledge,” Baker Theological Dictionary of the Bible, ed. Walter A. Elwell (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2000), 457-458.

2 thoughts on “The 3 Secrets to Knowing God Intimately”

  1. Pingback: The 3 Secrets to Knowing God – The Faith Herald

  2. Pingback: Why You Might Not Be Aware of God's Presence | Dr. Cynthia Johnson

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