Discover seminars, workshops, and courses that teach believers to hear God’s voice clearly, to feel God’s presence, to be led by the Holy Spirit, and to know God intimately!

Have you ever had that empty feeling inside, kind of like when you keep opening and closing the refrigerator door without finding what you want?

Because we were made in the image of God (who is Spirit), we have a desire in our spirit that is not satisfied until we experience intimate fellowship with Him.
Even if we have come to “know” Him, we can still feel like there is something missing in our relationship. Many of us have a hunger for more of Him.
But then wanting to know God intimately doesn’t necessarily translate into knowing God intimately.
In my recent research, I found that 81 percent of believers did not feel confident they had the practical skills to grow in knowing God intimately. (And those believers had been believers for 21+ years).
We offer an interactive seminar/workshop where I teach practical skills and equip believers with strategies for “how” to hear God’s voice and “how” to become more aware of His presence, and “how” to grow spiritually.
In the seminar, participants have the opportunity to practice new skills in a safe, encouraging environment, so that each person gains confidence in the new skills for their own daily walk with God.
What Participants are Saying
“It made me feel God was nearer.” “It has made me closer to God.” -Seminar Participant”
“It opened my eyes. It has been very helpful. Everyone should go to it !” -Seminar Participant
“It has helped me learn more about my purpose and gave me the ability to have a more intimate relationship with my Father.” -Seminar Participant
You Will Learn How
✔To overcome obstacles of avoidance and fear
✔Strategies for increased awareness of God’s presence
✔What the key is to intimate knowledge of God
✔Keys to recognizing God’s voice more clearly
✔To practice simple exercises to experience God
✔To integrate knowledge about God into an experience with God
✔Plus much more
What People Are Saying
“Cynthia is flexible and sensitive to minister what God has for the audience.”
“She brings new ways of seeing Biblical concepts that make it real and applicable to life.”
“The presentation was enjoyable, informative, challenging, and encouraging.”
“The seminar presentation was so relaxed and easy to digest. I wasn’t ready to go when it was over.”