Can You Hear The Holy Spirit Whisper

How to Hear the Holy Spirit’s Whisper?

You can develop a greater sensitivity to hear the Holy Spirit who will guide you and show you things to come!

  • What if you could hear the Holy Spirit so acutely, you would know what was coming next?
  • What if you could have insight and revelation about things going on in your life?
  • What if you could find a way to cut through the noise and madness of a typical day to find peace?

Last winter we visited the Florida Everglades, and we hired a guide to share his knowledge and insight of the area and lead us safely on a tour through the dangerous swamp.

We also recently sold our house, and a realtor guided us through that unfamiliar territory.

Sometimes we need a guide to help us through all the uncertain territories!

Just as Moses left Joshua to guide the children of Israel into their promised land, our Lord Jesus has left the Holy Spirit to guide us through the times we face today.

Jesus said, “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come” (John 16:13).

The original language meaning of truth (aletheia) here does not mean a doctrinal statement but is used to refer to the revelation that the Spirit brings.

So, Jesus tells the disciples that yes, he is going away, but he is leaving them a knowledgeable guide to share insight and revelation about things to come.[1]

Well now, consider this!

In God’s loving care for us, He has given us a guide to navigate all the crazy unfamiliar territories we travel through and give us a heads up about things to come.

Hear the Holy Spirit as our Teacher and Guide

We can be so close to the Holy Spirit that we are at the right place at the right time, and hear when He whispers insight about what will happen before it happens.

This is how we are supposed to live in Jesus’ kingdom, and He gave us a Guide with examples for how to live this kind of life.

For example, if you will remember, Jesus saw Nathaniel under the fig tree before Phillip even told him about Jesus or took him to see Jesus.

Jesus saw the event in the Spirit before it happened in the natural!

Jesus knew who he would choose as disciples before He met them. He knew who would betray Him from the very beginning.

He knew things that were to come!

The Holy Spirit Whispers truth and he will declare to you the things that are to come

Of course, these are only a couple of examples, but you can see that Jesus lived in constant communication with the Spirit.

So, with the Holy Spirit as our Guide, we can also live in this awareness of what God is doing in our lives as well.

Psalms 119:130 says that the unfolding or the opening up of His words (as divine communication) gives light.

The Holy Spirit imparts understanding and discernment about all the things in our life here and now!

You and I can be sensitive enough to hear what the Holy Spirit will tell us about things before they happen (John 16:13; 1 Cor 2:10).

The Holy Spirit Gives Insight & Strategies

The Spirit of truth reveals strategies for situations in our finances, health, and families.

For Example, the zealous mother of Zebedee’s children (James and John) did all she could for her boys, including prayer I’m sure (Mat 20:20).

Her boys not only met Jesus, but they also became dedicated disciples and powerful apostles in the kingdom of God, so much so, that Jesus called them “sons of Thunder.”

As mothers and fathers, we can be sensitive to pray that our children will arrive at the right place at the right time, and connect to the right people, just like James and John.

The Holy Spirit will give you insight into your life and your children’s lives. He will give you insight into your finances and your health.

He will give you revelation insight to live an overcoming life and help others.

Whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come (John 16:13).

Ways The Holy Spirit Speaks

God can shout at us, but many times He whispers through the Holy Spirit.

His whisper is gentle, and we can miss it if we aren’t spiritually aware or understand the ways He guides us.

I have sensed the Holy Spirit whisper to me in several different ways. On Sunday, I saw in a flash, in my mind’s eye, a picture of a lady asking us to lunch before it happened.

Here are a few ways he has guided me and can guide you as well!

  • You may see a picture of a thing or situation, you may have a thought drop into your mind, or you may have a dream.
  • You may have a verse or story from the Bible pop in your mind, or a song with a certain message may get stuck in your mind.
  • The Holy Spirit can whisper in times of prayer in that He might even sound a lot like your own thoughts.
  • The Holy Spirit can guide you through the words of the Bible that seemingly leap off the page or words that stand out to you in some way.

Of course, you must read the Bible with an open heart through the Holy Spirit, because the Pharisees did not hear the words of God even though they read the Scriptures.

Holy Spirit Whispers: The anointing teaches you all things

Ways to Overcome When We Can’t Hear the Holy Spirit Speak

If the well of our personal spirit could be too cluttered with negativity, offense, hurt, pain, or fear, we won’t hear when he speaks or whispers.

When our soul is clogged, we can’t hear when he tries to lead us by the still water (Ps 23).

We may not be sensitive enough to notice as He tries to nudge us down the right path, and we might not be open to the things God might use to restore our souls.

If we can’t hear the Holy Spirit’s whisper, then we certainly won’t be ready for the table that is set before us in the presence of our enemies.

We simply won’t perceive it.

But you, my friends, will be able to grow in your ability to perceive the whisper of the Holy Spirit!

And He will show you revelation about things to come!

And since information and inspiration are not enough to create transformation, here are some action steps to practice.

Action Steps For How to Hear the Holy Spirit Whisper

  • Clean Out Your Well. Ask God’s forgiveness for holding on to hurt, disappointment, fear, negativity, etc. These things will clog your personal spiritual well and will hinder your hearing.
  • Fill Your Well with Good Things. If you aren’t seeing the results you want to see, begin to fill your well with spiritual things like the Bible, study, meditation, prayer, inspiring sermons, worship, etc.
  • Maintain Your Well by Being Thankful. Thankfulness is akin to praise which ushers us into His presence. You can’t be grateful and offended at the same time. You can’t be grateful and angry at the same time. You can’t be thankful and bitter at the same time. You can’t feel thankful and jealous or envious at the same time.
  • Ask These Questions: How many ways have you experienced the Holy Spirit whisper to you? Ask Him to show you something!

Now keep alert and expect the Holy Spirit to show you things!

Thank you all for reading! Please know I am praying for you!

Cynthia Johnson, Deeper Walk Ministries

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