Healing Grief and Loss From Covid-19

(The feelings of grief and loss are real and need to be acknowledged and healed. Learn the characteristics and pray a healing prayer.)

The first Covid-19 diagnosis in the United States was made on January 20, 2020 in Washington state.

More confirmed cases from around the U.S. followed, so that by mid-March the virus had spread to all 50 states and President Trump had declared a national emergency.

Many governors ordered their states locked down or issued “shelter in place” orders.

Grocery store shelves were bare, and there was no toilet paper to be found.

Since then, we have all struggled with the increased pressures and stress of life.

We have all had to face cancelled plans, loss of work, closed schools, and worries about our own heath and loved ones.

At grocery stores, we continue to avoid looking people in the eye, and when we do, we see fear.

We keep our distance from neighbors, and we worry about finances. And to our dismay, we see our kids making their stuffed toys wear masks.

Everything we hold dear has been shaken. We have lost our normal way of life. And it feels like a tremendous loss.

So, on top of the normal losses in life, we have these extra losses.

In fact, we are grieving.

Definition of Grief

John James and Russel Friedman of the Grief Recovery Institute provide this definition of grief:

“Grief is the conflicting group of human emotions caused by an end to or change in a familiar pattern of behavior.”[1]

When we experience conflicting emotions at the loss of anything familiar, it is like the death of that thing. We grieve.

I don’t know about you, but for me it was helpful to understand that what we are going through is a normal part of dealing with loss.

And these losses affect us emotionally, physically, and spiritually as well.

Here are some characteristics of grief. Can you identify with any of these?

Characteristics of Grief and Loss:

With grief comes unexpected emotions. It is normal and natural to have varied responses to loss of any kind.

  • Some people may experience feelings of despair, denial, shock, and disbelief.
  • For some it is hard to accept what is happening. They say such things as, “I just don’t understand it.” “This is just crazy.” And of course, this can trigger a host of other worries, anxious thoughts, and fearful feelings.
  • Some people may experience disrupted sleeping or eating patterns.
  • Some may experience difficulty concentrating. They may experience increased moments of walking into a room to forget why they went there in the first place. This is a common reaction to grief.
  • Social distancing can intensify feelings of loneliness for many people.
  • And even when it is no body’s fault, people may feel angry and resentful. People may want to blame someone for the pain and injustice of it all.
  • Many people experience a feeling of numbness that can be physical, emotional, or both.
  • Many of us just feel emotionally and physically tired. We feel drained.
  • And we feel helpless because there is nothing we can do to fix it.

It is Important to Process Your Feelings of Grief and Loss for Healing

Healing the Feelings of Loss from Covid-19

First, it is important to understand that we are all unique individuals with different temperaments. We will all process loss and grief differently.

Second, it is also important to acknowledge our grief and loss in some way, not ignore it, or cover it over with alcohol, food, work, or buying things, etc.

An important part of healing grief and loss is having your feelings heard and acknowledged.

It is helpful to talk to someone who will simply listen and let you talk through all your feelings about the losses you are experiencing—good and bad without judgment.

Some of us are big talkers and some are not. Yet, whatever your tendency to process grief, please don’t keep your sorrow buried inside, because it will hinder your growth spiritually and emotionally.

You can always talk to Jesus who loves to hear all about your life and your feelings. He wants to hear about and heal your griefs and losses!

He loves you and is there waiting to comfort you and grow your friendship!

Jesus Came to Carry our Sorrows

To heal and grow emotionally we cannot ignore our grief and loss and pretend they never existed. Nor can we get trapped in our grief for unending periods of time.

Jesus came to take our griefs and carry our sorrows (Isa 53:4).

When we give Him our grief, He gives us His peace.

This does not mean we forget or ignore the losses we experience, but it is possible with Jesus’ help to find a place of peace—emotionally, spiritually, and physically.

We can take the bandages off our hearts and find healing from the feelings of loss during this Covid-19 pandemic.

Jesus will take the sting out of the loss. Our heart will heal, and we can live with positive and/or grateful thoughts about the situation.

Jesus Gives Us Peace in the Middle of Loss

There are many things we can turn to instead of Jesus that distract us or numb the pain of loss temporarily, some of which can be harmful. But these things do not heal our heart. Only Jesus can heal our heart’s pain.

We have a caring high priest, Jesus, who knows and understands what we are going through.

Because the world has fallen from God’s original intent in creation, the world is full of the effects of sin and death.

So, while we await the new earth with no sorrow or pain, Jesus does not leave us or forsake us in our trouble right now.

Even when bad things happen in this fallen world, He will give us grace and peace when we ask.

Therefore, let us come boldly and freely before the throne to receive the grace and strength we need to face our difficulties (Hebrews 4:15-16).

A Sample Prayer to Heal the Feelings of Loss

Jesus, thank you for your everlasting love. Thank you for never leaving me or forsaking me.

Please forgive me for not leaning on Your strength and wisdom and ________________.

I feel like __pour your heart out here____________.

Now I give my grief, my loss, and pain to You and I ask for Your healing peace. (Pause and sense His peace and strength here. Stay here as long as necessary.)

Lord, I ask for my next step. What is a strategies for ____________.

I acknowledge you have a way for me through my wilderness experiences. Help me to keep my focus on You and follow you in every step.

You are mighty and great! Your ways are perfect. Thank you! Amen.

God bless you dear readers! I am praying for you!

Here are two other websites that give practical tips for coping with coronavirus loss and grief from Covid-19:

From the CDC site: Coping with Grief and Loss

From the Mayo Clinic: Coronavirus grief: Coping with the loss of routine during the pandemic

[1] John James and Russell Friedman, The Grief Recovery Handbook (William Morrow: New York, NY, 2009), 97.

You May Be Interested In These Articles:

Why Do I Still Hurt? & A Prayer to Heal Painful Memories

Why Does God Allow Suffering? Faith When Life is Hard

Healing: 7 Essential Things to Know

2 thoughts on “Healing Grief and Loss From Covid-19”

  1. I don’t know why I am not receiving physical healing, nor is my dear husband. I don’t feel at all bitter about this, but I see from our Lord’s word that healing should be happening. We are very old now, and feel as though we are poor examples of living His word, by our really bad illnesses. Any help would be so appreciated. Bless you, Dr Johnson ?.

  2. Cynthia Johnson

    Sometimes we travel through more sickness and grief than we would like, but God has not left you. He is with you right where you are. His breath is in your lungs, His life in your body. You are still a witness to our Creator God’s goodness to this world. Your faith has not failed! Your faith is in God’s ability to heal, no matter how or how long it takes. Oral Roberts used to say God would heal either now or in the resurrection. Now that takes the pressure off, doesn’t it?

    It is a good thing our faith is not in ourselves but in our loving Lord! We trust for the instant miraculous, and we trust Him to sustain us every day, which is also miraculous!

    No matter your circumstances, you are a faithful witness of God’s word. The heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 died in faith continuing to believe the God of the universe had greater things in store beyond their understanding, even when they could not understand. In times of pain, we can trust even when we can’t understand. He will sustain us and comfort us through it all! I pray He will wrap His arms around you right now and give you a great big God-hug! I pray He will give you and your care team wisdom and insight, power and authority to fight this fight for healing! I’m praying for you!

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