Why Do I Still Hurt? A Prayer to Heal Painful Memories

Why Do I Still Hurt? & A Prayer to Heal Painful Memories

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.–Psalms 147:3

Why do I still hurt? When painful memories flare-up, they need to be healed. Here is a prayer to heal painful memories.

I was trying to organize old photos stashed in cardboard boxes when I came across pictures that disturbed me. In fact, they brought up memories of disappointment, hurt, and anger.

I realized I had painful memories that needed to be healed.

Life has a way of repeating itself until we resolve root problems.

These upsetting emotions indicated unresolved feelings about my past I had not dealt with.

We all have situations from our past, and maybe from childhood, that affect the way we live our lives today.

We can be going along living life, when whammo, we come across something that triggers old feelings, anxieties, and faulty coping mechanisms.

Maybe we weren’t aware of the pain in our soul before this moment, but now it has flared up to haunt us.

  • Maybe old photos trigger you as they did for me.
  • For some people, the thought of seeing old friends or going to a high school reunion may trigger anxiety and dread.
  • For some, thoughts about your mother or father trigger all kinds of hurt, disappointment, and anger.

This is good!

Good, you say?

How Is This Good?  

It is good because your feelings act as a thermometer to your soul health.

This flare-up of negative emotions may even be a shock to you.

However, this is a good thing, because those memories, if not resolved, will continue to haunt your life-even when you think you have run far from them.

For example, when you experience pain in your physical body, you know you need to address some kind of problem.

Likewise, if you experience pain in your soul (mind, will, emotions), you also need to address some kind of problem.

Many people go through their lives emotionally crippled from years of accumulated wounds in their soul.

Their heart is smothered with offense, disappointment, and hurt. They have lost joy in living.

It is time to begin the healing process when you recognize these negative emotions.

You need healing if a memory triggers something other than peace, love, or joy!

How Can My Hurt Be Healed?

How can your pain be healed? First, we alone cannot heal ourselves.

Healing of every kind comes from The Healer, the living Jesus Christ. No matter the method, He is the only one who can heal our painful memories.

The good news is He is Spirit, and He is everywhere present and wants to heal us.

Getting free from past pain is possible right now!

The most important part is learning to be open and honest with ourselves and God.

We may have spent many years covering over painful thorns in our soul, and by now some of them have become infected and painful.

It is time to let Jesus remove the thorns. He was pierced by thorns on the cross for your healing. Let Him heal your hurt now.

First, read the prayer I pray for you and let its words sink into your heart, then pray the suggested prayer from your heart.

How can my heart be healed? Why do I still hurt?

A Prayer to Heal Painful Memories

Dear Jesus, I ask that you surround this reader’s heart with your love. Hold them close to your heart and begin to heal painful memories. I ask you to heal all their hurts—even the deeply hidden ones.

I ask for Your blood to cover all their sins and pain and forgive anything ungodly. Let fresh, living water cover their souls and wash them clean. I ask You to heal their innermost being.

I pray you will give them the courage and grace to face themselves honestly and openly.

As they hear this prayer in their heart, let them be quickened anew to a fresh healing experience and awakened to more of Your presence. Thank you, Jesus, Amen.

Suggested Prayer Steps To Heal Painful Memories

1. Reflect on the Situation

When you can find a few moments to be comfortable and quiet, (now is a good time) reflect on the hurtful memory and events surrounding it. Can you name what emotion is triggered? What kind of hurt do you feel?

Express your pain, hurt, frustrations, and negative emotions to Jesus. Tell Him how you feel. He truly cares and understands. Doing this will help you release your emotions to the one who wants to carry them. You do not have to carry your hurt yourself. Give your hurt to Him.

Then ask the living Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who is come in the flesh, to come into this memory to bring His truth. Ask Jesus what He thinks of this situation. Ask Jesus if you could have made a wrong judgment, or misunderstood something, or maybe you believed a lie about something—especially if you were a child.

Stay aware of any thoughts that come to your mind. People may have treated you unfairly and wrongly. Stay still and aware of the revelation thoughts that come to you.

2. Forgive & Ask For Forgiveness

Ask Jesus to help you forgive those who have hurt and disappointed you. You will need to choose to forgive the person/s involved and yourself. This could be a simple thing, or it could take some time to work through.

Whatever your situation, dear reader, it is good to begin this journey with honesty in your heart. Do not dismay, honesty before God is the first step.

Forgiveness can be a process, but it begins with a decision to forgive. Make that decision now. Tell Jesus that you decide to forgive, even if you do not feel like forgiving at this moment.

Ask for Forgiveness

Now ask God to forgive you for any wrong thought or action on your part.

Many times we get tripped up when we fail to trust God with our pain and other people. We fail to trust Him to be our defender and take care of us completely, and we trust in our fears more than we trust God to take care of the situation.

We hold onto disappointment and hurt in our hearts when we should release it to God. He is our defense. He is our vindicator, our healer, and the source for everything we need.

When you can honestly repent of any wrong part you may have played in the situation and forgive others involved, you will feel free in that area immediately.

3. Ask for Healing of the Painful Memory (Important: Don’t forget this step!)

Now, ask Jesus to bring His healing power and heal your painful memory.

Ask Jesus to take care of anything that is hindering your healing!

Remain aware of your emotions and listen and watch as Jesus brings His healing.

Some people (in their mind) may picture Jesus coming into the memory; some may hear Him speaking words of love and healing to their hearts, and some people may sense His presence in sweet peace. Allow ample time to receive His healing and truth.

You may want to write down any special revelations you get in a notebook or journal.

4. Check To See If There Is Peace

When this time comes to an end, think back over the incident, look at the memory. Do you have more peace?

If yes, then you are done for now. Enjoy your day in peace.

If not, more prayer may be necessary, or you may need to go through the steps again.

Ask for Jesus to bring revelation and peace, and He will.

If the hurt was particularly deep, it may be helpful to work through the memory with a trusted friend, minister, or counselor.

This is a very powerful strategy that allows Jesus to heal our painful emotions.

I have used this strategy many times to help heal painful memories. Jesus’ healing presence is very real! I have also walked many others through this same process with enormous success.

It is important to keep our hearts healed and free from offense, hurt, and pain.

A healed heart allows us to love others easily and enjoy our life in peace, love, & joy!

Some Bible References: 1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 8:17; Exodus 15:26

You may want to bookmark this page or save this article to help you remember the prayer steps and get healing in your soul in order to live your most glorious and peaceful life ever!

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Important for your emotional and spiritual health is knowing how your Creator Father sees you. Readers have found this little article especially poignant, What Your Creator Father Wants You to Know

Additional Resources:

4 thoughts on “Why Do I Still Hurt? & A Prayer to Heal Painful Memories”

  1. Thank you!
    I’m a Chaplain in the U.K. and my wife and I help those going through hard times of pain, distress, grief and depression.
    Your articles will help I’m sure.
    God bless you! David and Pam

  2. Cynthia Johnson

    God bless you, friend! I remember crying out to God for help for those ones who are in such distress when I was the director of a women’s rehabilitation home!

  3. Thank you Doctor Cynthia for this beautiful message on Why Do I Still Hurt. I am a Christian believer. After I lost my husband in a robbery gone wrong at my neighbor’s house, the robbers fleeing the scene fired shot towards my husband and I. My husband was shot while I missed two gun shots in my direction. The trauma to witness this incident has grieved me deeply. The pain is so unbearable after he passed away. The loneliness is so painful to handle. The hurtful memories resurfaces all the time. I just started seeing a Clinical Psychologist for this depressing incident. I am on anti- depressants as well. GOD BLESS YOU

  4. Hope this article help me over come my hurts, fears and anxieties. My marriage is going through a very difficult time. I feel cheated and fooled by my partner.

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