God's Purpose for Storms of Life

God’s Purpose for Storms of Life

You can become a strong, storm-resilient Christian with these 7 keys to understanding God’s purpose for storms.

Estimated reading time: 9 minutes

As hurricane Sally edged closer, we watched as 24 inches of rain rushed down the dirt road and onto our land.

We saw the neighbors’ water wash onto our newly purchased land, we saw the culvert overflow onto our land, and we watched as the storm-surge waves pounded in from the bay.

Flooding waters came from every direction. And then storm winds blew all night long.

The next morning our small earthen retaining wall (we had worked so hard on) had failed, and trees were blown down and stripped bare. The place was a devastating mess.

The storm revealed that our beautiful piece of paradise had some underlying problems.

1. God’s Purpose for Storms is to Expose Underlying Problems

This year, in the United States and nations around the world, we have seen storm after storm of every conceivable kind rip through our lands.

We have witnessed political, economic, social, medical, and weather-related upheaval all at the same time.

These storms reveal a number of societal ills, but more importantly, they reveal underlying problems in our own hearts and lives.

God’s purpose for storms is that our human motives, attitudes, and ways of thinking be exposed and then conformed to His ways.

First of all, I want to say that bad things happen simply because we live in a sinful, fallen world.

God does not cause bad things to happen. Bad things happen because sin pervades our world.

And as unfortunate as it is, sometimes horrible things happen to good people.

Yet, when we put our life in His hands, our good God will use the storms of life to mold our character and refine our nature.

God’s purpose is that we overcome all the things that hinder our living the abundant life He created us to live.

We all have underlying sin problems that need addressing in some way. We all continue to fall short of the glory of God’s best for our lives (Rom 3:23).

And most of the time we are ignorant of these things in our hearts.

We don’t really know how we would react to a storm until we go through it.

Storms force us to face things we otherwise would not face.

2. Storms Are Good News for Saints of God

We immediately assume storms are bad news, yet there are good things that come as a result of storms. God has a purpose for the storms in our lives.

For those who trust in God, storms mold us into the image of Christ.

Further, they refine our character in a way that can only come through storms.

We are forced to examine why and how we respond the way we do.

The storms confront longtime underlying fears in our lives.

3. Storms of Life Bring Fears to Our Attention

I was at a training conference when the hurricane came our way, and I had to cross a long bridge to get there.

I have been terrified of long bridges since I was a child. But since I have been allowing God to confront all my fears, I recognized this was one more test.

The state highway patrol closes the bridge when the winds get to 45 mph, so if the bridge was open then I knew this was the best time to face my fear of bridges.

I pulled over to the side of the road to pray and build up the courage to cross.

When the rain let up for a moment, I pulled out and prayed loudly all the way over.

But I did it!

I faced the gripping fear that had been in my heart since I was a child, and it set me free!

When we are walking with God, He allows storms to reveal our underlying problems. If we rely on Him, he will work every storm for our good (Rom 8:28).

4. Storms Bring Only What God Can Provide

In our area, hurricanes bring things only God can provide. For example:

  • Hurricanes bring a lot of rainwater to dry and drought conditions.

In our lives sometimes we can feel spiritually dry.

Storms stretch us spiritually and cause us to draw nearer to our Comforter. We press in for more help and strength.

Our Lord is an ever-present help in our times of trouble and will rain down living water to strengthen and encourage us when we ask.  

  • Sometimes an extraordinary amount of red-looking algae grows in the coastal waterways, called the red tide. The enormous algae blooms produce toxins that contaminate sea life and birds. The red tide sucks up the oxygen in this area that suffocates the fish. However, storms break up these large bodies of toxic plants and oxygenate the water.

Sometimes we humans can get into a toxic funk.

We can lose our hope. We can lose our peace, love, and joy, and God will allow storms to come to show us what is in our hearts.

Storms reveal our toxic thoughts, attitudes, and grudges.

Storms expose our toxic fears, impatience, and anger.

They expose situations in our life where we have relied on our own ways instead of God.

Storms stir up our stagnate spiritual growth.  

5. Storms Strengthen Believers To Face the Mess

“. . . In me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

I remember looking at the disheartening mess left behind by Hurricane Sally.

It was hard to face, but we could not ignore the mess.

We had to start cleaning up and trust God to help us prepare for the next inevitable storm.

We resolved to clean up and prepare our land better than before.

Let the storms that come to you affect your resolve to clean up the messes and prepare for the future.

God’s purpose in the storm is to strengthen and equip you to complete your purpose!

Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving (Colossians 2:6-7 ESV).

6. God Gives Supernatural Peace for Storms of Life

I have been through life storms where I was emotionally devastated, AND I have been through storms where I sailed through with faith, joy, and supernatural peace.

I like going through storms with faith, joy, and peace much better!

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sally, there were trees whose roots were shallow and blew over, yet there were other trees that continued to stand tall even when the sand was blown out from under them.

Their roots went deep to hold them steady and strong.

In fact, if you are in constant communication with your Lord, He will tell you of storms to come and tell you what to do to succeed! His purpose is to prepare you for the storms.

For example, the Lord told me to read in Galatians every day before a certain trip.

When I arrived, I walked into a storm, but God’s strategies of preparation kept my emotions steady and my fears dissolved.

My roots had grown deep in the Word of God. I prepared and did not panic or blow over.

Resilient Trees Overcome Storms

As we cleaned up our hurricane Sally mess, we prepared for the next storm. We researched methods of shore restoration and preservation.

We addressed the neighbor’s water runoff and the clogged culvert. Then we created a plan that involved 7 layers of protection to prevent storm damage in the future. Then we planted some palm trees.

Palm trees are amazing for their storm resilience. Some varieties are almost hurricane resistant. They can stand up to the wind, rain, and waves because their trunks are flexible, and they grow deep roots.  

7. God’s Purpose is that You Be Storm Resilient

We can be storm resilient Christians when we learn to be flexible, and attentive to the Holy Spirit’s teaching us to grow strong, deep roots.

In this season, we cannot rely on (or wait for) Sunday church services to connect with God and be encouraged.

Today we are blessed to have prayer meetings on Facebook, music on YouTube, and someone to read to us with Bible Apps.

We have lots of resources.

We simply must connect with our Lord daily, because, in personal worship times, the Holy Spirit washes over us, encourages us, and heals us.

The inspired Word of God strengthens us and helps us grow strong.

Daily prayer and Bible reading cleanses us from the world’s negativity.

It establishes us in hope and faith, refreshes us, and spiritually nourishes us.

During these times we gain clear insight and discernment for daily life. Additionally, during these precious times in His presence, the Holy Spirit will tell us things to come.

Even though I’m sure you know these things, we sometimes grow distant and forget their importance.

We grow spiritually as we continue to have daily interactions with our loving Creator Lord.

His Living Water washes our hearts and life to heal our underlying problems.

God’s purpose for storms is that we become flexible and strong like that tree that is planted by the water–the one whose leaves do not wither and yields abundant fruit (Psalm 1:3).

You can be storm resilient!

Now, because information and inspiration are not enough for transformation, here are some action steps.

Action Steps:

  1. Don’t be afraid to face your own mistakes and/or messes left behind by life storms. Acknowledge your part of the mess and ask forgiveness for missing the mark. Then make things as right as you can with other people.
  2. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal strategies and ideas. All you need is the next step. Ask Him for the next step.
  3. List what you could do to actively get prepared for the next storm.

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3 thoughts on “God’s Purpose for Storms of Life”

  1. Paulette Jules

    This article has help to guide my mind in the right direction. I am very grateful.

  2. Pingback: The Storms Of Life

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