Learn how to increase and grow in faith with God with these practical inspirational tips!
The Importance of Growing in Faith
I stared at the stagnant pond, the summer heat quickly evaporating what was left. Even the ducks didn’t want to go into that water.
Our spiritual life of faith can get stagnant like that pond at my grandmother’s house.
We become stagnant and wither on the inside when streams of freshwater stop.
God doesn’t want us to become stagnant, stale, or dry spiritually.
He wants us to grow!
We each have been granted a measure of faith, but what we do with it is up to us!
We can neglect our relationship with God or we can grow!

Growing in Faith Bit by Bit
Our relationship of faith in God grows bit by bit, from one level of faith to another.
My grandmother also had a garden next to this pond. We would help her sow seeds and wait for them to grow.
First, we would see tiny little green blades pop up, but after a while, spinach leaves would form. When they grew big enough, we would pick them for our salad.
Likewise, our faith grows bit by bit as we believe for each new thing, until we can believe for greater and greater things.
Here are 7 practical ways you can increase your faith.
How to Grow in Faith
For our faith to grow strong, we must feed it. Here are a few ways to increase our faith:
1. Change From Negative To Positive Ways Of Thinking
It is hard to believe God for much if you only look at the negative. With God all things are possible! To grow in faith, we will need to begin to change our negative mindsets. If you are unsure if you think negatively, ask a friend.
2. Read (Or Listen To) Large Portions Of The Bible At A Time
Our faith is awakened as the Living Word (Jesus) in the pages comes alive in our hearts (Rom 10:17). Try to listen or read chapters or books at a time, especially if your spirit feels dry.
3. Learn to Hear God’s Voice More Clearly
When we hear God’s voice to us personally, it immediately stirs our hearts and sparks faith. As our personal spirit is awakened more to God’s Spirit, we learn to discern His presence and voice more clearly. For more info, See my article, What Does God’s Voice Sound Like?
4. Increase Your Faith By Praying In The Holy Spirit
When you pray in the Spirit, you build yourself up in faith Jude 1:20 tells us. When you pray in the Spirit, your personal spirit grows strong, and you can believe for hard things. Your faith increases!
Learn more: What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? & A Prayer to Receive!
5. Remember Times When God Moved On Your Behalf
Our faith grows when we remember the goodness of God and how He has been faithful to bless us in previous times. You may want to write a list (or start a journal) of the times God has answered prayers and been good to you. Through this you can see His unfailing character and love.
He will never leave you nor forsake you—no matter what you walk through.
If you wonder where Jesus was during a hard time in life. I encourage you to ask Jesus where He was during that time. He will show you in some way where He was and what He was doing. This will melt your heart and grow your faith in His love
6. Imitate The Faith Of Faithful Servants Of God to Grow in Faith
“Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.”
Hebrews 13:7 NIV
Hearing Christian testimonies and reading biographies can inspire your faith, especially as you hear about the obstacles that people of faith have overcome.
However, James tells us faith without works is dead (useless) (James 2:20).
It is possible we can learn all these inspiring things and still not see much change in our lives if we do not exercise what we have learned.
Additionally, in the Hebrew way of life, a person has not really learned anything until it has been put into practice, used, and exercised.
7. Grow in Faith by Exercising Your Spirit With Faith Experiments
In the physical, if we keep eating and eating and never move from the couch, our muscles will atrophy and grow weaker until we can’t move.
This is also true in the spiritual realm of the Kingdom of God.
We can feed our spirit and not exercise it.
To exercise my faith, sometimes I do these little faith experiments that I hope you will try also.
(God loves when you exercise your faith in the Kingdom space He has given you! He will meet you in amazing ways to grow your faith.)
First, ask for a small thing in a specific area where you want to see results.
Don’t pray a general half-hearted prayer, like “bless me, Lord.” You may not recognize when He answers that.
I know you want to ask for something big, but big things sometimes take longer. So, keep believing for the big things, but also try asking for small things, which are on the way to big things.
When we see God answer small prayers, we are able to believe for bigger and bigger prayers.
David had faith for a flock of sheep before he had faith for a nation.
So, for this exercise of faith, ask something small and very specific.
For example, many of us are going through difficult times right now, and my friend is no exception.
My friend is estranged from her husband and children and left alone to pack up a large house to get ready to sell. She had filled box after box until she ran out of boxes. She was upset about everything and stalled out.
Sometimes the smallest thing can stop us from going forward.
As she and I chatted on the phone, I prayed, “Lord, I ask you to send her some boxes.” Later that afternoon her ex drove over with a truck full of boxes.
He had no idea he was the answer to a prayer of faith.
An answer to a small prayer became extra special for my friend. It showed her how much God loved and cared for her, even when she was going through a hard patch of life.
To Increase in Faith Ask For Small And Specific Things
So, ask a small specific thing that you can see the answer to in a couple of days’ time.
Maybe ask for something that has been blocking you from going forward.
Ask God for a small thing in these three areas then expect and watch for an answer:
- Family
- Finances
- Work
God loves you and is with you through all of life’s difficulties.
What is lacking is our awareness of Him in our daily lives.
When you ask for small things throughout the day, you stay in conversation with Him and become more aware of His presence with you.
Then your faith grows bigger and bigger to trust Him for greater and greater things!
“And without faith it is impossible to please God. . . he rewards those who earnestly seek him.”
Hebrews 11:6
Additional reading from ministry partners: 4 Ways to Grow Your Faith
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