These two examples show how we can learn about God’s faithful nature to always be near and present to help us.
Three-year-old Kole was shaking, his bottom lip quivering. “I’m scared,” He whimpered too scared to hold his tiny fishing pole.
At this moment, my husband shared with Kole about our Friend, Jesus, who is always near to help us.
We had told him, “Jesus our Friend in heaven, but He is always near and loves to help.”
Kole said, “I want that friend to help me.”
His older sister repeated our earlier words to her, “You have to ask.” I nodded, “Yes, that is how it works, you have to ask.”
So, we asked Jesus to be Kole’s friend and help Kole not be afraid.
Then as three-year-old boys do, he got distracted by the gadgets on the boat. I noticed he wasn’t quivering anymore and asked if he was still afraid, or if it was gone.
He smiled and said, “It’s all gone.”
His sister’s eyes got big as she looked at me and grandpa, “It worked!” she shrieked.
God is Always Everywhere Present Both Near and Far
This little incident may seem small, but it is most significant, both practically and theologically.
God is at the same time both transcendent and immanent.
Those are big theological words that mean God transcends (is above) creation and is also everywhere present in all His creation.
Immanence is God’s presence and activity within nature, human nature, and history.[1]
There is nowhere one can go where God is not (Ps 139:7-12).
“‘Am I a God who is near,’ declares the Lord, ‘And not a God far off? Can a man hide himself in hiding places so I do not see him?’ declares the Lord. ‘Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?’ declares the Lord” (Jer 23:23-24).
God is both transcendent and personal. He is larger than the universe and as close as your breath.
God is above the earth and yet close enough to be a very present help in trouble (Ps 46:1).
The One whose name is Holy dwells in the high and holy places and also dwells with the “contrite and lowly of spirit in order to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite” (Isa 57:15).
What God’s Nature to Be Always Present Means To Us
When I was a Sunday School teacher, we would sing a song that says, “My God is so big so strong and so mighty there is nothing that my God cannot do.” Maybe you sang this song too?
Our God is “He who sits [enthroned] above the circle of the earth, And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers” (Isa 40:22).
Because He transcends the universe, we can trust the Creator to work on all levels in all things beyond our understanding.
Because He is near, we can trust Him as our Creator Father Friend.
Many of us have accepted Jesus as our God and Savior, but we may not know Him as our intimate friend who is always with us.
Of course, we know this in our head, but may not be able to feel His comfort or hear His voice.
Can you say you enjoy His presence consistently? On a daily basis?
Can you trust Him to bring peace to your situations?
Jesus Was Always Near & Present For The Disciples
Jesus sent the disciples ahead of Him to cross the lake in a boat.
And a ferocious storm developed that terrified even the storm-hardened fishermen among the disciples. In the midst of the storm, they forgot the miracles Jesus did earlier that day.
They forgot Jesus was always concerned about their wellbeing, and that Jesus was always near when they needed Him.
During the worst storm of their lives, Jesus came up to them—walking on the water.
However, He came in a way they had not seen before.
Jesus presented them with another side of His nature they had not seen yet, a side they did not readily recognize.
Mark’s gospel says He would have passed them by, but they cried out to Him.
“Don’t be afraid,” Jesus said. “Take courage. I am here!”[2]
Jesus is the living God who is far away, yet as close as a whisper.
He had already seen the disciples in their boat turmoil and had come to help.
Although He showed up in a different way than they expected, He wanted them to call out for help and recognize when He came.
God is Always Near & Present for You Too
He is also interested in your life and your situation. He sees the troubles you face.
Maybe He wants to teach you something more about His nature?
Or maybe He is waiting for you to call out for His help?
God has given us the choice to go it alone or ask for His help.
Truly, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in all our daily troubles.
He wants to be our Friend through all of life’s issues, and he wants us to lean on Him and ask for His help. He wants us to abide continually in His presence.
Maybe you have heard of Brother Lawrence. He practiced the habit of constant fellowship with Jesus, so much so, that his times of prayer were no different than his times of work. He lived in a constant 24/7 awareness of the presence of his friend, Jesus.
I can’t say I live in constant awareness of God’s presence 24/7, but it is a great goal to have, and I am working on it.
See How to Feel God’s Presence
Back in our boat, Haley was excited that we asked Jesus for help and that He answered. We were excited that their faith was strengthened in the ever-present Friend, our God who is always near to help!
God sees your troubles, friend. He is near to help you today, but don’t forget to ask!
[1]Erickson, 329.
[2] Matt 14:27.
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