Dr. Cynthia Johnson The Christian Journey of Spiritual Growth

Welcome to the Journey of Christian Spiritual Growth

If you are looking to grow in intimacy with Jesus and succeed in life, I have resources on this site to help. We have inspirational & practical articles, books, videos (coming soon), plus other resources that teach practical skills for “how” to grow spiritually on your Christian Journey.

  • Recognize what God’s presence feels like
  • Learn how to experience God’s presence daily
  • Recognize God’s voice more clearly & consistently
  • Develop more awareness & sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading
  • Find healing for spirit, soul, body
  • Grow spiritually in faith and prayer
  • Grow in intimacy with God


What Others Are Saying

I learned new ways to recognize God’s voice and hear Him more clearly. It made me realize how much God truly loves me.
Seminar Participant
Dr. Johnson brings new ways of seeing Biblical concepts that make it real and applicable to life.
Audience Member
My walk will be richer and blessed because I know now He really does speak to me. I kept doubting it was really God speaking to me, and thought it was just my mind. Now I definitely know the difference.
Seminar Participant

Free Gift For You

Spiritual Growth Tips

25 Spiritual Growth Tips Checklist

My FREE Gift To You to Help You Grow on Your Christian Journey

Plus, I also send out a monthly inspirational teaching article

Inspirational Articles

What is the Christian Journey?

What is the Christian Journey?

Have you ever wondered why the Christian life is often described as a journey? It’s because, just like any adventure, the Christian walk is full of learning, growth, and transformation. Each…

About Cynthia K. Johnson

About The Author

Cynthia K. Johnson is an ordained minister and author. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Education and English, a Master of Divinity, and a Doctor of Church Ministries and Leadership. She is passionate about equipping people with practical skills for spiritual growth.

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